About Us


Welcome to the Volcano Spanish School in the white city of Arequipa! This place has been chosen so that children, young people and adults can have one of the best experiences with the Spanish language. Our school is equipped with spacious facilities and is conveniently located in the center of the city, blocks away from the Plaza de Armas.

Creating an environment of enjoyment and confidence in learning Spanish at the Volcano Spanish School is important and feasible.

The Volcano Spanish School has developed a learning method so that your experience is unforgettable in this beautiful city.

The Volcano Family is qualified to serve groups of professionals, missionaries, travelers, politicians, students, teachers, retirees, and people who love Peruvian culture; eager to learn our language.

Our ultimate goal is to make the experience of studying Spanish fun and versatile.

“Your satisfaction is our desire.”

About Arequipa

The White City

The city is surrounded by 3 beautiful volcanoes: Misti, Chachani, and Picchu Picchu. We are located at an altitude of 2,400 meters above sea level. Arequipa stands out in Peru for its rich and varied cuisine, as well as for the architecture of its historic center, which is built with volcanic stones. A few hours from this city is the Colca Canyon, one of the deepest canyons in the world, where the largest birds of prey in the world, the condors, live.

Arequipa is a perfect city for acclimatization before continuing your journey through the Peruvian Andes.

Our Programs

What we offer?

Our purpose is to making your Spanish language learning experience enjoyable. We identify your learning objectives, develop the method, and encourage students to achieve their goals.

Each program is carefully designed to achieve the desired goals.

Our Benefits

Why Choose Arequipa?

If you are looking to learn and practice Spanish in a calm environment, enjoy pleasant weather with sunny days year-round, and appreciate the architecture of a beautiful colonial city; Arequipa is your best option. Arequipa offers you a panoramic view of its nature, surrounded by three volcanoes, and within a few hours, you can appreciate one of the highest canyons in the world, such as the Colca Canyon.

book a lesson
  • Direct transport routes work major cities across the country
  • Facilities to practice Spanish
  • Possibilities of going on weekend excursions
  • Possibilities of doing social work
  • Enjoying the varied cuisine of the city
  • Comfortable and safe city
Our Teaching Methods

Why choose us?

  1. Student-centered instruction
  2. Learning materials
  3. Dance salsa lessons
  4. Peruvian cooking lessons
  5. Communicative approach
  6. Spanish practice with local people
1. Student-centered instruction
2. Learning materials
3. Dance salsa lessons
4. Peruvian cooking lessons
5. Communicative approach
6. Spanish practice with local people

What Students Say

Paulina Ożóg

I have been attending a Spanish lesson with Sonia since February 2022. She is very professional, always smiling and understanding. I learn something new in every lesson. We only speak Spanish, sometimes English. I recommend it very much.❤️

Paulina Ożóg

Anna Jaszczuk

Lessons with Sonia always bring me a lot of pleasure, the topics of the lessons have never been boring. From the first classes, we started talking a lot in Spanish, which quickly helped me overcome my own barriers and the embarrassment of speaking in a foreign language. After a year of learning Spanish, I flew to Peru where I lived for a month. I had no trouble communicating with local people and was able to take care of all the necessary matters. I definitely recommend it!

Anna Jaszczuk

Bożena Sobuń

Learning Spanish with Sonia is pure pleasure. The lessons are interesting and substantive, professionally prepared. She is demanding and motivates you to learn, which quickly helped me make progress and not be afraid to speak in Spanish. I recommend learning with Sonia even for people who, like me, do not have a good command of English. Sonia can convey the intricacies of the language based solely on Spanish. Of course, Sonia also knows English.

Bożena Sobuń

Raz Peer

Teacher Sonia was simply an outstanding teacher. The experience, the attitude, the humor, the high level of teaching, the methods and the energies, brought me to be able to communicate on the streets of Peru alone and within a few days. Within a month I already mastered the language at a level that was enough for me to be hired in a Spanish-speaking environment. My mother who studied with us also reached an excellent level of control and she was 67 years old in those days. Above all, Sonia and us have kept in touch to this day (10 years later), and she even stayed with us in Israel ! I highly recommend!

Raz Peer

Kaja Skoftedalen

Sonia was my teacher for the first time in 2012, when I was a student at one of the language schools in Cusco. I was very happy with her style of teaching, as it consisted of thorough explanations, examples from everyday situations and grammarly precise (yet not overly complicated) definitions. She also shared many interesting reflections upon cultural elements and social norms within the Peruvian society, something which was very important for implementing language learning into practice. When I returned to Cusco some years later, she became my teacher once again, but this time with private lessons. As a teacher, Sonia is professional, yet she also cares for her students. Whenever I need some lessons to refresh my Spanish level, Soni is the one I ask for guidance, but she has also become a good friend.

Kaja Skoftedalen

Krystyna Czarnota

Many years ago, I started learning Spanish with Sonia Fernandez Villalta, a Spanish teacher. It was a very good choice because she was patient, with extensive experience and using original methods of teaching foreigners. At that time, I did not know any foreign languages, which obviously made interactions with me more complicated. It turned out that it was no obstacle for Sonia and I can clearly assert that I owe my knowledge of Spanish to her. Now I can freely communicate, watch videos and read texts in Spanish. If you want to learn Spanish without ever getting bored, I fully recommend Sonia! She comes up with so many engaging topics sparking your interest that you nearly forget to be learning a foreign language. Studying with Sonia is pure pleasure.

Krystyna Czarnota

Anastasia Sitak

I’m from Poland, I’ve had online Spanish lessons with Sonia for over a year, during this time I really learned how to speak Spanish. 🤩😊 Sonia is a great teacher, lessons with her are pure pleasure and if you want to learn Spanish, only with her. 😍✨

Anastasia Sitak
The Volcano Family

Our Community

There is always something happening inside and outside our facilities!

  1. Weekly Activities

    Every day of the week, from Monday to Friday, students will enjoy different activities organized by the Volcano Family in Arequipa, Peru. They will spend time learning salsa, cooking classes, conversational practice with local people, etc.

  2. Volunteer Work in Peru

    The Volcano Spanish School works with local charitable organizations and volunteer projects in Arequipa, especially projects for underprivileged children. Volunteering in Arequipa gives you the opportunity to practice the language, get closer to the community, and get to know their experiences more closely.

Our Location

Where you can find us?

Look at the map! We are located in the city center!


Contact Us

WhatsApp:+51 984 189 619
Calle Palacio Viejo 511 (Vid Land)Cercado Arequipa, PERÚ

Volcano Spanish School

Calle PALACIO VIEJO 511 (Vid Land)